Thursday, April 30, 2009

More chickens...

I seemed unable to resist the beautiful array of colors and patterns the chickens offered. So hen houses were built and more chicks arrived. The farm is also home to a flock of sheep, a handful of cows and some pigs. The rhythm of my life shifted to match the seasons of the farming year, from spring's unbridled burst of activity with the arrival of chicks, lambs and piglets to bracing the farm for the cold, short, rainy days of winter. Finally, one day I realized that my identity as an urban dweller had slipped away and I was a rancher.  I think the transformation must have caught me by surprise. I don't remember it happening.  I just remember one day only having a vague recollection of my former self.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Chickens or how it all began

It started as such an innocent aside to buying a farm — a few chickens here, a few chickens there. After all, my plan was to become a cheesemaker so no harm in a few chickens. Pretty soon I found myself mumbling "I'm not sure" when people asked how many chickens  I had. Friends began using the word "intervention" when talking about me. But hey — what may appear to be sheer madness can often be only slight madness and I was on my way.